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Monday, November 16, 2009

Another Letter and Loan Note

Here is another letter / loan note.  I assume they are written by the same person as they are on adjacent pages and in the same hand.  You may click on the images below to enlarge them.

The first part of the letter reads as follows:

Sir I cant but condole your unhappy Condition and as I had
the happiness to Participate in your Prospearity So give me
leave leave to Share with you as a friend and bear a part
As much as may be in your Sufferings and I intreat you.

How grievous So ever Such a restrain may Proove to So noble

And generous a Sole as yours that you would not afflict
yourself but bare with your wanted Patieunt and bravery
This your misfortune and as a true Christan what
Cannot at Preasent be helpt or redressed Considering
That Such Casualies and mischances frequently befall
Mankind and let it move immediately Sir be your
Comfort and Consolation that it happens by any
Neglect or Extravagance of your own that your
Fortune and Circumstances are Sunk thus low but
By Ineveitable loses and mischances that have Even
Concerned your Diligence and baffled your Industry
Insomuch that I think I may Say that fortune
her Self Strives against you however be not any
Ways Cast Down but think that you may yet live
Not only to overcome the Storm of adversity but to
See many Prosperous Days Remember the Eclips
holy jobe Sufferred and with him also be Comforted
That your healp is in the lord and that god will
Not leave nor for Sake those that trust in him
These things Eye thought fit to Put you in mind of
In hopes they may Establish you in an Unconquerable
Resolutions to undergo what is layd upon you till it
Cant be Redressed and So till I have the opportunity to
Pay you a Visit I take leave to Subscibe myself Sir
          Your Constant and faithful  friend to serve you

Quite the letter of lament.  This person must have been in pretty bad shape to have been compared to "holy jobe".

The second, adjacent letter, in the same hand reads:

Acquittance in full for money in the way of of trade
or lent without any obligation may the 3 – 176?
Then Received of mr John Jones the Sum of ten
Pounds Due from him to me upon account and
Is in full of all in all manner of Debts Dues
Or Demands Due from him to me or any ways
Depending between us which in law or Equity
I Cant justly or lawfully Demand or lay Clame
In witness thareof I have Set my hand the Day
of the Date and year above mentioned
                  Witness                Alexander Summuels

I do not know if these letters are really related.  I am also not sure of the actual date of the second letter, but it does not appear to be in the 1770's.  If not, why was it included in this book?  I do not know of an Alexander Summuels (Or Alexander Samuels).

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