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Thursday, August 30, 2007

August 31. 1778

I continue my study of numbers today.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

August 28. 1778
Several days ago I purchased a notebook for the price of one shilling. This notebook has many blank pages but some are taken up with letters of promise to repay debts by men who have borrowed money in prison to assist them if they are successful in escaping from this place. I now have my turn at a copy of the British Youth’s Instructor book given to us by Mr. Heath which I plan to copy into this notebook to aid me in my study of numbers.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Aug 16. 1778
Yesterday afternoon officers from Admiral Keppel’s fleet came to the prison looking for men who would be willing to join the British service in order to get out of this prison. Thirty gave over their names as willing some being Americans but most being from the old country.

Most of the men have been busy at learning navigation or reading books provided by the Rev. Mr. Heath. I have it in mind to improve my numbers and ciphering and when I have the opportunity I will get a book to study that is being handed about the prison.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

August 1. 1778
Today we can see from our prison Admiral Keppel’s fleet, or what is remaining of his fleet, anchored in the Sound after having engaged the French. Several of his ships lay on their beam ends and boats have been busy throughout the day ferrying injured mariners to shore. It is reported that up to 800 wounded are now at the Royal Hospital. This was supposedly the best the English had to offer and by all appearances they were soundly thrashed. Yesterday we had several more captured Frenchmen brought to the prison, presumably captured during this recent engagement.